EPISODE 1 - 10 lessons that transformed my leadership with Dagmara Asbreuk

In this first episode, Dagmara, the host, shares her leadership journey and what shifts she experienced by leaning into the "inner work" that she embarked on 10 years ago in one of the dark moments. She is sharing with listeners the 10 key lessons from those experiences that unleashed her untapped potential, elevated her positive impact and ability to foster change in teams and individuals, led her to discover her purpose and contributed to her well-being.  

00:00 - 09:50 min: Dagmara's story

 09:50 min - onwards: 10 Lessons that shifted her leadership and life.


Here are the 10 transformative lessons:

 1. Take Ownership of Your Growth

Growth is your responsibility. Embrace your potential and invest in your development. Seek coaches, mentors, and programs that help you transform from within. Understanding yourself better will enhance your ability to lead others effectively.

 2. Seek Gifts in Every Challenge

Challenges are opportunities in disguise.  One of my darkest moments led me to discover new paths. We need to actively lean in to discover its gifts and create them. Embrace difficulties as gifts and create opportunities from them.

 3. Follow Your Heart, Passion, and Intuition

Trusting your intuition and passion can lead to profound changes. Leaving the corporate world for entrepreneurship was a significant, intuitive decision for me. Leaders like Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs have also highlighted the importance of following your heart and intuition.

 4. Create & connect with your Vision

Dream big and create a vision of who you want to become. Vision provides clarity and inspiration, guiding you towards your goals. A clear vision helps align your actions and transforms your leadership impact.

 5. Manage Your Mind and Emotions

Understanding and managing your mind and emotions is crucial. Recognize and transform subconscious limiting beliefs,  emotional triggers, and blocks from the past to become o., that hold back your leadership potential. This will enhance your decision-making, trust-building, and overall leadership effectiveness and living your desired life.

 6. Manage Your State of Being

Your state of being, your energy, influences your actions and impacts those around you. Learn to elevate your multidimensional aspects of energy (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) to make a desired impact, inspire and motivate others, foster a positive and productive environment, and thrive.

 7. Empower and Coach Your People

Develop a coaching mindset & skills to empower your team. Asking powerful questions, active listening, and being present are essential. Coaching helps others grow, increases your employees' confidence, innovation, and ownership and enhances their motivation.

 8. Be Intentional in Developing Your Team

Invest time and resources in developing your team. Facilitate trust-building, collaboration, and unity. Leaders who intentionally lead their teams create high-performing, motivated, and engaged organizations.

 9. Bring appreciation, curiosity and  empathy to leadership

By appreciating people, you make them feel valued, boosting motivation and performance. When combined with curiosity and empathy, you truly empower and coach your team. This approach shows genuine care, and builds stronger relationships, trust, and psychological safety. It allows you to understand your people on a deeper level and genuinely help them.

 10. Be the Change You Want to See

Lead by example. Role model the behaviors and values you want to see in your organization. Your actions set the standard for others. Invest in your growth and inspire your team to do the same.


About the Podcast Host

  • Dagmara Asbreuk, Founder & CEO of Extraordinary Leadership
  • ICF Executive Coach, Leadership Team Coach, Keynote Speaker
  • Awarded one of the top 15 coaches in Dubai
  • Bringing almost 2 decades of experience, including over 15 years in leading in global corporations, Fortune 500 included, and navigating intercultural dynamics having worked in 4 countries,
  • Based on her own transformative leadership journey and passion for unleashing human potential, in 2021 she started Extraordinary Leadership, moving to Dubai, to fully dedicate herself to empowering leaders and their organizations to be more successful and impactful by fostering growth, collaboration, empowerment and thrive personally as leaders.


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