Transforming limiting beliefs for leadership impact and performance

May 15, 2024

Your beliefs influence your leadership impact and results, the culture you foster as well as your wellbeing.

Your beliefs influence how you lead, create trust, empower, navigate challenges, make decisions, build relationships, set goals, create results, and feel. etc  

What happens is this chain of reactions: Your Beliefs -> influence your thoughts -> influence your emotions -> influence your actions -> influence your results.

 The challenge lies in this:

  • From all the beliefs you hold, many are limiting and disempowering you and others you lead 
  • You are unaware of most of your beliefs - they are part of your subconscious mind, developed in childhood, driving 95% of everything you do.

The good news is:  You have the power to change your beliefs, once you uncover them!

Beliefs in the end are just thoughts, narratives we choose to be truth (mostly unconsciously), lenses through which we look at everything (including ourselves).

If you want to be a highly effective and impactful leader, turning your vision into reality you need to discover and master beliefs shifting.


The process of shifting your limiting beliefs is transformational, and consists of 5 steps:

1. Discover your limiting beliefs

2. Challenge the current beliefs (including their impact and alternative truths)

3. Creating alternative beliefs that empower you and are true

4. Choosing the new beliefs (narratives)

5. Anchoring those new beliefs

The most powerful beliefs we hold are about ourselves - as they determine our potential, success, impact, and happiness.

Basically, we become what we believe.


Let me share my personal example:

I had a tendency to set "high expectations to me and others", "never feel satisfied",  "overdo", "strive for perfection", "be critical to self" etc et

Subconscious deep belief: I am not good enough mascaraing as "I need to do this because..." 

Negative impact: my well-being, stress levels, my team motivation - as in my actions and communication I transmitted that belief and feeling that "it's not good enough" (ex. focusing mostly on what we need to do better, than what we actually already do great.)

Truth is I am enough and resourceful, and so are my employees

Result:  more inner peace, appreciation of self and others, balanced viewpoint, increased trust and motivation in my team, better performance and so many more areas of my life

The moment I discovered my limited belief (thanks to my 1st coach) - I could change and create the desired result!

Since then thanks to my coaching skills development, I became extremely good at picking the subconscious beliefs in others & myself alongside choosing coaches to help me discover what I cannot see, knowing its impact.



Where can you start?

The very first step is to discover beliefs:

1. Start asking yourself, what I must believe about the situation, another person, or myself in various situations?

2. Capture those observations

3. Question them - is that true? Is that absolutely true? What is opposite is true?

You can also bring that approach to your 1on1 or team meetings.



In my work with clients, I focus on rapid belief transformations and shifts, for faster changes of results.

With various tools, I help leaders to:

  1.  Discover & transform their limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious 
  2.  Master catching and shifting their limiting beliefs and narratives
  3.  Managing their mind and emotional triggers
  4.  Develop coaching skills to help their members discover and transform their limiting beliefs 

Those transformational tools and resources bring extraordinary results, enabling fast & sustainable changes in behaviors and results.

As a result, this work empowers leaders to unleash the untapped potential within themselves and others they lead, gain confidence, foster collaboration, growth, and ownership, build trust and psychological safety as well as establish inner peace and balance.

This area is part of my following services:

Executive Coaching, Group Programs (Become an Extraordinary Leader), Leadership Development Programs, and Leadership Team workshops tailored to companies. Check out my services HERE.

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