How to overcome your mind sabotage to step into growth

Jul 25, 2024

Have you ever felt excited about an opportunity for growth, the possibility to become more impactful, successful, happy, and live the life of your dreams, and in a few seconds noticed the feeling of resistance to doing it or being scared to do it? 


How many of the growth opportunities and programs knocking on your door you did not embark on, because the mind narratives took over.....bringing doubts that it is possible that you can do it, or if it is the right time?

You see, our mind can be our best friend and worst enemy. 

The mind's function is to protect your current identity. (means protect you from growing out of where you are now) 

An attempt to grow is a threat to your mind and this is when your mind's narratives and limiting beliefs surface. 

When you are deciding to invest in growing yourself, those thoughts are common to emerge:
'maybe I do not need it yet'
'maybe I can read self-development books, and leadership books first'
'It's too, time, efforts'
'I'm not ready yet'
'I'm not at this level'
' maybe I should prioritize family now or slow down
' it will not work
' maybe I want too much
'I can not spend so much time and money'
' I need to think, try this first
etc etc


2 months ago I was taking another investment in a group program, serving me and my business growth, and I remember the thoughts coming like:

  • You just finished another investment and are just now cashing the ROI’s  
  • Is it wise to invest again?  
  • Is it really what you need now or it's your hyper achiever?  


I was on the brink, knowing something bigger was calling me in, but feeling some level of resistance. 

So, I decided to speak to that coach, and in a few minutes, I could see and feel what was going on so clearly and I will not forget what my coach told me: 

 “Your higher (future) self already knows what you want”, so decide who you want to follow – your mind or your higher self. 

I choose for my higher self, that is always the best choice, as it leads me to expand inside and, in my business, and life. 

So, we all experience them. 


My clients too, overcoming those mind narratives either on their own or in an open discussion with me, which helped them to see these mind sabotage and make a choice from an aligned place and step into their exponential growth. 


Sadly, I still see many leaders losing that battle of mind sabotage, not allowing themselves to grow and step into a far better impact, life, and success. 

So, I want to help you win this game.


Here is how you can overcome this mind vs inner potential "battle" - the inner conflict.

If you are standing in front of a decision to invest in yourself, step into “Transform from within and Embody Extraordinary leadership”, and feel doubts and resistance coming – here is what can help you: 

  1. Please remember, that doubts and resistance are natural and expected, it’s just your mind wanting to protect you from growing (perceiving it as a threat) – there is nothing wrong with you. 
  2. See the doubts/resistance from a positive lens – you are at the bring of your comfort zone – just a step away from stepping into growing an expanding (how awesome is that!) 
  3. Slow down to listen to the narratives, thoughts, and limiting beliefs surfacing at this moment making you doubt or resist your decision – write them down 
  4. Knowing these thoughts are simply lies, narratives of sabotaging your mind, challenge them with curiosity by asking – a couple of ideas: 
    • What if, the opposite is true? 
    • What would be possible for me if I step into this program and grow? 
    • And what’s next? 
    • How will that impact my career/life/relationships/finances? What would that enable my team/organization? 
    • Who would I become?
  5. Tap to your higher potential, by asking: What would I welcome if I allowed myself to listen to that inner voice coming from my “powerful higher (future) self”?  or “What would my higher self do”? 



Depending on where you are in your growth you can replace “higher self” with – “future self”, “best self”, “true self”, “powerful self”, “wise self”, ‘extraordinary leader”, "higher mind", “soul” etc – they are all the same. 


The above are powerful questions to unlock your potential and connect with the inner voice of your "true higher self", which is bigger than your "current self".


 Try it out!

Play with it and see where it leads you. 


If you would like me to help you see mind narratives stand in your way, discern the “inner voice” of your higher self, help overcome this inner conflict, and resistance & take a decision that feels aligned, please book a breakthrough call. 


It is my absolute pleasure to hold space for your most powerful decision. 



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